Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Healing Heart...

When your heart is broken, and you've given yourself enough time to mourn the loss, the best thing to remember is to TRY TO LET GO AND LIVE IN THE PRESENT. The heart is broken because it’s torn apart. It's shattered because it received blows from life and didn't know what to do with all that pressure. The heart is broken because there are contradictory forces pulling on it.

Life isn’t trying to take something away from you when your heart breaks, instead it’s trying to show you a new sense of wholeness. It's forcing you to step back and re-evaluate your individualism. Most oftenly when we fall in love, we lose our sense of identity . Many times we become so immersed into the relationship that we become co-dependent with our partners, or addicted to the fantasy of being "in love."

Our moments of solitude when we are alone and heart-broken, the winter of our hearts, don't have to be just the season of mourning and grief. This period in our life allows us to step back for a moment and see things as they really are, unveling the reality and eliminating the fantasy. Each event in our lives serves a purpose, even the end of a relationship. When we can recognize that the moments of life are complimentary of each other to reveal something valuable to us, not to steal something from us, our sense of wholeness seeps in that allows us to participate in life and maybe love once again.

Remember that your life is your life. Your attention belongs to you. Nobody else and nothing owns your attention but you. Don't give your attention to things and emotions that cause you any kind of limitations. Reclaim your attention. How is that person’s (your ex for instance) attitude or behavior owning your attention? Learn to listen to your heart wisely. Be sensitive to your own body. Begin to see your awareness and become conscious of your feelings. STOP, REFLECT, AND LISTEN. Remember, feelings or emotions are only energies flowing through your body. Don't give them any power....unless you want to.

Avoid watching movies and tv shows as well as listening to songs that evoke feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, etc. Most importantly, take care of yourself. Sleep when you're tired, eat when you feel like indulging. Don't deprive yourself of life's comfort. If you have the energy, exercise; this is a proven way of increasing the levels of dopamine to alleviate mild forms of depression. Engage in responsible, casual, safe sex (and I know that people will whine and get all self-righteous about this, but I'm just being real). Love's got nothing to do with sex. Finally, learn from your mistakes, get back out there and take a chance with love once again. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger......


Bon Bon said...

nice.. hehe

rmacapobre said...

> letting go and living in the present

this is Buddhism ..

Sandra Carrington-Smith said...

What a wonderful post!

Living in the wrong moment is one of the biggest flaws of human nature.

Your words are pure truth.

Sandra Carrington-Smith